Who is it for?

Stromend water

Rebalancing en Traumatherapie is geschikt voor mensen die onbewuste patronen, gedachten en gevoelens willen onderzoeken. De signalen van het lichaam dienen hierbij als leidraad. Denk hierbij aan vermoeidheid, stijve of pijnlijke spieren, angsten, hyperventilatie, negatieve gedachten en oordelen, rusteloosheid, slapeloosheid, of somberheid.

Throughout life's journey, we encounter moments of joy and challenge. Sometimes, the pain from these experiences can become overwhelming, prompting us to develop survival strategies that may constrict us physically and emotionally. This can lead to a sense of being stuck, less spontaneous, and with reduced energy and emotional openness.

Together, we will gently explore the roots of your symptoms, understanding their origins with compassion and insight. 

This process creates space for healing and transformation, fostering increased vitality, a renewed sense of joy, deeper connections, relaxation, and a range of positive experiences.